That's exactly what I did with my Great grandma but I was horrible -FLASHBACKKK- -screaming horribly- EF YOU LOAF ME LET ME GUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!! #EarHurts
Fresh: Yeahnoimnotgoinginforakissbecauseiamsocialyakwardandstuff ehhh- Me: -pushes Fresh into Frew and they kiss- OHGODIMSOSORRYIONLYWANTEDYOUTOHUGOHGODICANTLOOK -COVERS EYES-
Fresh: -teleports to bully and trips him- OOPSIE! Whose the loser now? -drops the knife on bully's chest and teleports back to Frew- Lets go eat a snack.
Fresh: -smiles weakly- and you thought that would hurt... -claws Bully's eye and grabs knife and puts it REALLY close to his eye- Wow, you're one of the b*itchiest people I have ever seen.