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Hi I'm Fern! I love the outdoors and animals, I'm very artistic and I sing good to, I'll be friends with anyone who asks, as always my little leaves, peace out!
3 跟随 4 追随者
I dare you to but your paw in lava and keep it there for 5 minutes
For: CrystalPaw
Now u dare me
Dare me
Make an animation of u doing it
Qna leave questions below
Oh um.. Pretty much just animals really
I dare u to eat an adorable innocent bunny
No no that's okay
What do you mean by "what's ur characters?"
Btw I'm kAwaii queen I just moved my account
Like, the characters a drew?
Meet Crystal! (Me)
Thx! This actually took me a while to make this
For kawaiiqueen
Btw I followed you
Hi Roxy! It's me! Kawaii queen! I made a new account which you can see by my name.. Just saying this so you don't get confused.. Bye