Sky Delcatty 108

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Hello I love anything magic. Follow and subscribe to Neon Lights AJ( icon is rainbow stripes). Also expect dark colors mostly purple but i do use neon 1s 2 My animal jam play wild is Starmoony
Q: Fav book A: Harry Potter Q: Fav element? A: Water its just appealing to me Q: Bae? A: Sans i hope -_-
My roblox is SleepyFoxCat
I am a Gryffindor
My favorite Undertale character is SANS!!!!!
My favorite band is Coldplay
The wether forecast where i am is RAINING TACOS!!!
Q:Cat or dog? A: Cat
Thats all i have and sorry if i dont post often! See y'all! :3

30 Following     20 Follower

  Sky Delcatty 108

Evilness of the stickman part1

Theres more?! GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!

7 years ago   Reply
  Sky Delcatty 108

I'm laying in bed crying right now...

i hate spoiled brats they dont deserve anything but a kick in the butt and a grounding

7 years ago   Reply
  Sky Delcatty 108


whoop whoop and btw who is u senpai or u cant tell?

7 years ago   Reply
  Sky Delcatty 108

I'm back

i have an iPhone4 and i am fine as long as it works

7 years ago   Reply
  Sky Delcatty 108


good noon!

7 years ago   Reply
  Sky Delcatty 108

Here's an ugly animal

ya #typo it was supposed to be adorable animal

7 years ago   Reply
  Sky Delcatty 108

Emoji art contes

me too but tomorrow k?

7 years ago   Reply
  Sky Delcatty 108

Q and A

y is u name kiwi 101 instead of berry 101 or lemon 101?

7 years ago   Reply