Thriller (online)

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Hi I hope we can all be friends! Status: offline
Deliliah: likes bubbleteabee
Thiller: likes tom
Jack: dating kiwi
Luke's ghost: likes ender
Luke: likes ender
Jason: single

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  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Deliliah: kiss! Kiss!

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Luke: *glares at Evie*

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Luke (returns): I'm fine. who did it land on?

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here


5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

,*lands on bubbleteabee*

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Deliliah: ur turn Ender!

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Lucus: Umm sorry! ≥///≤

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

*lucus leans over and kisses Ender*

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

*bottle lands on Ender*

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Lucus: I'll start! * Spins bottle*

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Deliliah: this is Jack. Lucus: I'm lucus

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Deliliah: yay! One sec.. I'mma invite my boy ocs...

5 years ago   Reply
  Thriller (online)

Sleepover rp starts here

Deliliah: after this do u guys wanna do spin the bottle??

5 years ago   Reply