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Gone now
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My first girL character :D
Who am I? Ur once friend
If u can’t handle the responsibility, don’t go around making friends
But u would even draw one...
Yeah, just a lemon
Mon amie, u used the word, but u did the wrong thing
When I was...
When I was, did U treat me like one??!!!
That’s u, but if he would even do that for me... I don’t expect better
I don’t have a farm, I live in NY, the price of one square inch of land worth more than ur entire family
What would u do, if, YURY called u his mon amie, or friend, but wasn’t even willing to draw a red lemon, not even a red circle
Let me ask u den
And play with Katanas. *oops mom, I accidentally killed my brother
At least I don’t eat fish all day, that’s what u Japanese di
But at least I don’t pick trash like u off of people trash cans,
I don’t farm potatoes
I kinda wanna drop a nuke on ur house
And u, The Jap, I’m not bothering u so u stfu