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I'll comment cuz i have an artblock rn
8 Following 16 Follower
It's cute.
I hate parties so much
I started to read bnha manga when I'm finnished watching it
It's ok.
I was reading manga. ;-;
Oh sorry.
WW2 in a nutshell
Japanball in nutshell
When i was 11 my brother and his friends were in pub. They were drunk and it's literally pissed me off.
Did people drink alcohol?
Good morning...
Thx friend.
Dare 1: Dress up as a maid
Yesterday my rich cousin invited me to his birthday party (he's smol, 8years). He also invited his classmates and they were super annoying. ;-;
He mad?
I'm goin' to vomit rn ;-;
Shadow: oh god fuck no- Marco:*fake cough* you mean "oh Gaia please no?" :>
I Dare you to dress up as a maid. AHAHAHAHA
If youre unfollowing me, tell me the REASON why you did it.
IDC about followers anymore. Anyways I'm just here because i wanna talk with my friends