Just a guy

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Commtisum will help us all yo7 fucktards (spy)

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  Just a guy

I got a call from Oofnom

And no all he said was hey it’s oofnom

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

I got a call from Oofnom

I don’t think killing him is a good way to bring peace

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

I got a call from Oofnom

I don’t know I looked out my window he’s not out there anymore

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

We need reinforcements

We need more troops

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

We need reinforcements

Med do you want to join

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

Mission TRAVEL

Hey med do you want to join our communist party

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

I’m shot..

Jay pakinston or however you spell his last name

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

I’m shot..

I think we have that fishy dude and some one else here I’ll look

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

I’m shot..

Speaking of oofnom why hasn’t he posted something in a while is he planning something

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

I’m shot..

Oh my we need to patch those quick

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

The last bomb dropped

But here’s some bandages

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

The last bomb dropped

No you never remove the bullit

5 years ago   Reply
  Just a guy

Bombing raids

Yes we should but I have a pilot dropping a bomb and picking us up

5 years ago   Reply