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Pinkyberry, age: 15, crush: Sugarcube
Sugarcube, age: 17, crush:Pinkyberry
Cinnamon, age: 18, crush:???
Trey, age: 16, crush: Katelyen
Katelyen, age: 16 crush: Trey
Chelsea, age: 12 crush: ???
Ethan, age: 16, crush: Peppermint
Cat, age:???, crush:???
Snow, age: ???, crush: Flurry
Peppermint, age: 16 crush: Ethan
Leo, age: 18 crush: Charlie
Anthony, age: 18, crush:???
Maya, age: 17, crush: ???

75 Following     43 Follower


Ender:-moment of realisation-..0~0

Yelp at least you told them

5 years ago   Reply

Looks like someone has a crush,~

Ok but I call everyone sweetheart so suck it up

5 years ago   Reply

Looks like someone has a crush,~

Oh sorry sweetheart bye

5 years ago   Reply

Looks like someone has a crush,~

She’s cool in my book then

5 years ago   Reply

How are you guys today

I almost died! It was great!

5 years ago   Reply

Anyone have a crush on Tyler?

Maya: sh-shut u-up P-Pinky

5 years ago   Reply

Anyone have a crush on Tyler?

Maya: *makes a cute squeaking noise*

5 years ago   Reply

Anyone have a crush on Tyler?

Sorry she really shy around people who she has a crush on

5 years ago   Reply

Hi back from hell

I didn’t go to the nurse though... I just got up and started limping to class... I’m a good student :3

5 years ago   Reply

Hi back from hell

No I mean I fell down the stairs and it hurt

5 years ago   Reply

Hi back from hell

Heyo there friend

5 years ago   Reply