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Hey guys it’s me Sarah.....I forgot my password T - T
My main OC:
Name: Hazel
Gender: girl

Creator: Me/ Sarah
Gender: girl
Age: none of your business
Crush: -covers mouth and says something muffled-
Some of my most beloved friends:
Lively paw

12 Following     5 Follower


???:don’t worry..Enders still alive.. (gore warning I guess?)

By Bradley. Now is the time for me to leave the app. See y’all when we dead.

5 years ago   Reply

I just had a really random confidence boost uwu

Yeah but I’ve put my life into this. You are the only friend that actually cares. 55 goes to 1 in 5 min. It’s depressing. I think I wanna leave the app...

5 years ago   Reply

I just had a really random confidence boost uwu

I’m not in a good mood. I’ve worked for a little more then a year and now I hafta start over...

5 years ago   Reply

Mandy: I cut my hair =3

Hi Neo, it’s me Sarah I forgot my password.... I’m really sad. I hope I get all my friends and followers back...

5 years ago   Reply