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Here's something about me I can stay up at night Can sometimes stay awake in the evening and morning Age: 13 Crush: DarkShadowWolf °0°
4 Following 3 Follower
Do i have to?
Want watch a movie?
*wakes up wanting to watch a movie*
*feels cold*
*tail starts wiggling again*
*falls back asleep*
What does it mean when your tail glows btw?
*wakes up and notices* I didn't know your tail can glow
*tail shakes in sleep*
*lays down on his bed and sleeps* zzz
Yes ^-^
I'm okay with you kissing me ^-^
*falls asleep in his lap*
*blushes* O///-\\\O *smiles*
Yes I'm totally sure
Yes *blushes*