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Hello there my little angels! My name is Hannah!♡
Like: Playing Roblox in MeepCity & sleep at night
I’m very welcoming to a new people where they join!
Don’t like:Hurting friend & yells
Best friend: Sophia & Ivy
Age: 8 year old
Has sister or brother: 1 Sister
Do you has pets: 3 pets. 2 kittens & 1 dog
Do you have babies: Nothing babies
How age is your sister: 11 Years old
How age is your mommy: I don’t know 🤷‍♀️
How age is your daddy: I don’t know again 🤷‍♀️
I’m kind shy..
╮(─▽─)╭ (。┰ω┰。) \(〇_o)/ ヽ(´ー`)┌ \(-_______-;)/ ( ˘ ³˘)❤ ƪ(‾.‾“)┐ ('∀'●)♡ \(^o^)/ ┐(゚д゚┐) \(>o<)/ \(^ω^\) ヽ( `0´)ノ ヽ(`◇´)/ └|°ε°|┐ (=^‥^=) (´(エ)`) (°◇°;) (★^O^★) (’-’*) (´・_・`) (゜-゜) (;*△*;) <(_ _)> (#+_+) and I forget something to tell you...
If you have Roblox My username is: Camryn_fall
Crush: Julian
Sister’s crush: Nobody
WARNING: touch my sister.. touch my family.. touch my pets... you will be my little toy..
I know you are not..
Super weird

I know you are...
Shy sometimes
Not jealous
Not ugly
Not fart
Not poop
Not fat

Draw Nice pictures to get more likes!
Byeee have a nice day!!!☻♡

3 Following     22 Follower


Answering your ask or dare questions-

My birthday is September 22 and i’m Turning into 9

4 years ago   Reply

No Title

Are you making new pictures???

4 years ago   Reply

Here is a main oc for u

Cuz.... my family dead...... now I’m alone

4 years ago   Reply

Here is a main oc for u

I almost start to draw but the chatter came and show me

4 years ago   Reply

Here is a main oc for u

O-O what are you guys doing...?

4 years ago   Reply

For Panda girl!

IT......NOT......FOR......YOU IT FOR PANDA GIRL.....................

4 years ago   Reply

For Panda girl!


4 years ago   Reply

PJ Masks part 1

Yes it is! Go look at kids y

4 years ago   Reply

No Title

I see there a broke heart on they’s mouth or eye!

4 years ago   Reply

No Title

I see there a broke heart on they’s mouth¡

4 years ago   Reply

Can you live without meh

Me or Meh¡ I want to live with you!

4 years ago   Reply


I’m star heart with fairy wing. When I go to school I hide my wing and it was REAL!

4 years ago   Reply