North Korea

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Don't make me mad or i'll nuke you.
Fuck America.
Fuck South Korea.
Fuck Japan.
Fuck Denmark.
Fuck Great Britain.
Fuck Canada.
Fuck France.
Fuck Mexico.
Russia is good.
Germany is good.
China good.
All other commie country's are good.
Fuck all my enemies.
Likes: Nukes. Winning. Communism. Russia. China. Germany.
Hates: Losing. America, South Korea, Japan, Denmark, Great Britain, Canada, France, Mexico. Enemies. Not having enough nukes. Non-communist. Dogs.

12 Following     12 Follower

  North Korea

Female America

(You need to make a drunk North Korea with a Drunk America)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

1940s japan

(North Korea has sent Japan "I meant to say atomiced bombed twice")

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

1940s japan

(North Korea has sent Japan a "Remember when America atomic bombed you?")

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Why is everyone ignoring me, did I do something wrong??

(North Korea ignores you because he doesn't know if your communist)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Me for the vacation RP

(North Korea has sent America a Nuke.)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Request by North Korea

*Gets out a gun while sleeping* no u won't. (North Korea has mastered the art of sleep threatining.)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Request by North Korea


5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Me for the vacation RP

(North Korea has sent you a "Become Communist" request. Accept?)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Me for the vacation RP

(Can you make North Korea asleep in a Communist type of chair?)

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

USSR: Доброе утро..

North Korea: Hey. *Is eating a communism flavored Popsicle*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Belarus : :3 morning

North Korea: Sure *Gives Belarus a Popsicle*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Belarus : :3 morning

North Korea: *Starts to polish a gun*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Belarus : :3 morning

North Korea: *Stops juggling and puts nukes away*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Belarus : :3 morning

North KOrea: I'm not showing off. I do this when i'm bored.

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Belarus : :3 morning

North Korea: *Starts to juggle some nukes*

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Belarus : :3 morning

North Korea: grrr......

5 years ago   Reply
  North Korea

Belarus : :3 morning

North Korea: *Looks at Belarus* ....

5 years ago   Reply