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Hello, I'm Alex
Age: 16
Likes : the moon, food
Hates : nothing much
My girlfriend: Runn05

20 Following     10 Follower


Thanks I guess

5 years ago   Reply

XD sorry it's not perfect guys, my mom was yelling at me to go to sleep

5 years ago   Reply

Ta da

Let runn pick

5 years ago   Reply

Pick a spot

Aye runn has to pick 🤣

5 years ago   Reply

Hey guys ..it's Runn..I'm..

Hello, are you there?

5 years ago   Reply

Bad art right?

What about them?

5 years ago   Reply

For Alex

Nothing :)

5 years ago   Reply

For Alex


5 years ago   Reply

I'm back

WhAt dId i dO

5 years ago   Reply

I'm back

WiThoUt mE?

5 years ago   Reply

I'm back

Wow *catches* are you sure ?

5 years ago   Reply

I'm back

Good I guess, um are you ok?

5 years ago   Reply

I'm back

How about you

5 years ago   Reply

I'm back

Hi I'm good

5 years ago   Reply