BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

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Without you..
I feel broke...
Like I'm half of a whole,
Without you...
I'm just a sad song.

My GF who recently left me makes me feel like that song ^
I do have someone else but.. It's doesn't feel the same...
I'm assuming My GF left cause she isn't responding to me

Roses are red
My heart is broken
I feel like
I'll soon be like a person
Who broke a vase and I'm the vase..
Getting shattered in a million pieces
Never being able to form again
Alone on a cold floor
No one tries to fix me
And I'll soon go in a trash can that goes into
A garbage truck
That goes to a junk yard
To decompose

Past Gf's:
Cutie, Fluffy
My life:
My OC's
Crystal (Esu/ Mika drew her)
May(The title is My OC)
Brook the Foxcat (Random)
Buffy (Fluffy and I fusing)
Ember (Supossed to be Fluffy's OC Flame's Crush)
Emo Chloe( Random Fluffy was uploading random OC's)
Sea (Crush on Ocean, Fluffy's OC)
Maya(Not active/not used much)
Note Pad (was dared/Inactive now)
Ike( Not active / the intro, her in her worst nightmare,her nightmare's death)
X (Nothing happened besides the intro)
Evergreen( Nothing happened besides the intro)
Multi (another inactive Rp in the comments)
itluM(inactive/ Rp kinda in the comments)
Blue( Active a lot)
Akki (Demon rp)
I'm sorry that was a lot of reading... Here's more

I will be on for some time just not a whole day like the past days and today. My followers are inactive. Some of the ppl I'm following are inactive. I will try to post as much as possible for you guys and any newcomers.
If you wanna take the time to make fan art please do and comment on my current anime and say something like "I made you fan art" or "There's fan art on my Page" My OC has been used a lot.. I dye her hair sometimes. She is in my OC list at the bottom. Her name yes, is blue, she doesn't have any blue on her does she? She had blue hair in the past. She still loves the color blue. Yes I like to put some crazy shit on my wall but I'm a weird person. I will be doing a lot of RP's so please stay tuned. I will put the topic in the anime somewhere. Make sure when you are doing the RP state the OC you are using you can do (example: Max: Shhh I'm trying to sleep or Max-STFU IM SLEEPING or ~ or anything of your choice) anything of your choice if you read this thank you so much pls don't skip this it's very important!

Bye! ❤️

10 Following     12 Follower

  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

I'm so sorry...

*repeats in her mind " I'm just gonna kill myself and no one will care" as she races to a roof with her gun*

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

I'm so sorry...

*takes her gun back and runs away going to a roof*

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

I'm so sorry...

*points it at my head*

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

I'm so sorry...

Well that changed.. now I'm crying because of fluffy... yelling at me... *picks up her gun*

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

I'm so sorry...

^Im even crying in real life.. I hate betraying everyone^

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

I'm so sorry...

I'm so sorry.... *she would whisper her voice breaking cause she's crying*

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

Did you ever love me...

*mind: Well yeah but Cutie needed someone.. Fluffy isn't around a lot so I thought you hated me and wanted to break up with me*

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

Blushes and faints

*continues walking sobbing to herself thinking "I'm such an idiot"*

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline

Blushes and faints

*gets up* I'm ok.... *realizes fluffy is here* UHM I CAN EXPLAIN

6 years ago   Reply
  BlueFluffyKitten -Offline


I wear glasses so yes

6 years ago   Reply