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204 Following     74 Follower


So long, and thanks for all the fish.

Ill miss ya buddy *hugs* sorry if I sounded mean there

4 years ago   Reply

I am le back

Yey :D

4 years ago   Reply

Raven X Bunny

*flops* I'm bored... Wanna do a rp like any rp no dirty shix k?

4 years ago   Reply

Nsfw ;-; (I'm sorry for my sin's)

I've been gay so *shrugs*

4 years ago   Reply

Raven X Bunny

Raven was my old bullies name ((she's my friend now so))

4 years ago   Reply


*pat pat* :T

4 years ago   Reply

I am proud of this.

Its cute and I'm proud of my newest anime ♡△♡ its so beautiful

4 years ago   Reply



4 years ago   Reply

Little Animation?

Oni-chan is so coot >:3

4 years ago   Reply

Its cute ^^

4 years ago   Reply

Pizza Plays Gameboy


4 years ago   Reply


Oh I'm dumb sorry ((I almost sayd cu*m >_> stupid auto correct))

4 years ago   Reply


Oi wut??

4 years ago   Reply