Kat the Pokemon trainer (currently: online )

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Litten: male - name is also blackout - lv.14
Meinfoo: female - lv. 12
Eeveeā­: male - name is also cookie - lv. 4
Eevee: male - name is also lucky - lv.14
Magickarp: male - name is also ferocious - lv.11

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  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

kat's mother: while your on your journey you have to bring your sister izzy

Kat mother: champion? I see... Anyways go now )) kat: * sighs * come on Izzy )) izzy: *follows happily*

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

kat's mother: while your on your journey you have to bring your sister izzy


5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Kat: oh wait could you ever tell me if you see my sister she has dyed purple hair and a pink scarf and she sometimes wears white sunglasses

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Kat: o-ok * picks up litten and uses a revive and a potion to heal litten *

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Kat: I just got litten and this is my second battle

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Litten: * gets hit and is on low health * )) Kat: litten use bite!

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Kat: litten let go and use ember! )) litten: * let's go and uses ember *

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Litten: * gets hit * )) Kat: litten use bite and don't let go! )) Litten: *uses bite and does not let go*

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Litten: * gets hit * ))) Kat: litten use tackle!!! ))) Litten: * uses tackle *

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Kat: * look at litten * hey litten you wanna battle? )) Litten: *nods yes * lit litten!

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Litten: lit litten lit lit litten!!!! * Wanna battle I'm not good at battling but I can try!! *

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Litten: lit litten! ( I'm blackout wanna be friends! )

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Litten: * look at Vulpix and walks over to Vulpix * lit litten!

5 years ago   Reply
  Kat the Pokemon trainer (cu...

What happens if a stranger touches litten

Litten: * just sits on the ground and starts licking himself *

5 years ago   Reply