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I am the girlfriend from friday night funkin for now! ^^
289 Following 228 Follower
I’ll be taking the first 5 bc I wanna watch YouTube uwu
hug me
Jekyll and Hyde: Prologue
For Unikitty.
She's doing great!
Guys, i might be forgotten
Oh :)
Unikitty! Pls finish the Mao Mao and Sonic book
Oh cool
Izzy: hewwo
Chiaki: Hi
Unikitty: Good afternoon everyone
Hewo people
Hey luna, haven't seen you for a while
Just Wanted To Draw Myself As Spiderman Lol 🕷
Np :D
Dare 1
Idk-i don't ship it...
Any dares?
Unikitty: Thanks!^^
I dare Unikitty to kiss Darkness.
Unikitty: oki! >:3
I remember you, Unikitty
Unikitty:*hugs back* i missed u too
I am bored...
Draw adorabat and uniktty
Adorabat! I missed u!
I'm kind of lazy doing it rn, but i will later...if i can
Gm y'all
Milo, Zak, and Leo
Adorabat: cool
Alex is back