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Aye, It's ya boy Piper I'm with KingsGutz sksksk he's mine uwu And I'm gayer than ur mum :) :3 squad: Me (leader) Ali (Deputy) Glitch Lila ┌──────┐ │ im tired │ └∩────∩┘ (`・ω・´)
10 Following 15 Follower
I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya
:00 Who's that in your pfp?
Creator: FFFFFUCK this game. Lagging ass looking mother fucker. *Chucks phone at a wall*
I don't really eat- but j had water ,😎😎
Sksk. Game got creator hella mad
My game is lagging hella hard
Same. It gets so bad to where I want to scream. I'll literally start to pull my hair out.
I'm sick and tired of everyone saying I'm this person called Zone.
Excuse me, Jesus. It's art. Some of it is going to look the same.
Scree heyhey
Not like that, sorry. I call all my friends "babe" "bae" "boo" it's a habit.
^^ Thanks, babe.
Maybe you can wait till your better? She'll understand.
:00 t
Old town road 🐎
*reads title* *closes eyes* *Sharp inhale* *s c r e a m s*
"Dont mess with Jim-"
When he died I was s o b b i n g
Tbh I feel ignored.
*pat* same
Should I do a pick a spot or a storyline?
Pick a spot
*s obs* im u g l ier than everyone else ;-;
No you're not, don't say that.
Lynx or Jackals
O fuck
wiGGa No
Me hugging my new friend that sadly doesnt have a pp *i crY*
Ew no. Don't say kawaii on my post ever again. Or cute bean potato. I'm not like that--- im just short