💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

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Lui Shirosagi girlfriend :3
I’m a bleyder from beyblade plz don’t take away My baby sharky boi
Bey name: Zandaya
Name: Zahimara aishi
Mom: ????
Crush or bf: Lui Shirosagi
Age:13 almost to be 14
I love anime UwU i like to make friends

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  💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

This is what I’m gonna wear for tomorrow dance dance

Ohhh yeah it’s just my app erased for no reason :V so here I am I miss u too :3

4 years ago   Reply
  💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

I fell like I’m in hell

“U don’t need to be sad because of me be happy I just scare if my mom die my dad will make me his maid”

4 years ago   Reply
  💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

I fell like I’m in hell

*hug back*u don’t need to worry if I am sad or not

4 years ago   Reply
  💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

No Title

“Why would u even care for me and why do u wanna help me”

4 years ago   Reply
  💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

No Title

“Im just sad at the same time that I’m scare loosing my mom and getting bullied

4 years ago   Reply
  💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

No Title

Yeah and i don’t care really I’m happy for them”

4 years ago   Reply
  💕🍭Føxėy🍭💕•💙❄️Lui Shirosagi❄️💙

I fell like I’m in hell

But I can’t I’m a fallen angel that’s already broken I’m not the same person anymore I loose every friend i get

4 years ago   Reply