Im sorry (smol grape)

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hey homies

83 Following     79 Follower

  Im sorry (smol grape)


yep i guess-

2 years ago   Reply
  Im sorry (smol grape)

Me bday

I dont rlly like saying the year cuz i dont wanna reveal my age bec yea-

2 years ago   Reply
  Im sorry (smol grape)

Me bday

Mine is: Febuary 27

2 years ago   Reply
  Im sorry (smol grape)

That kinda reminds me of kaiju paradise but its cute :D

2 years ago   Reply
  Im sorry (smol grape)

Just being funny πŸ™‚

Funny And cute xd, brw congrats on 150 followers!!

2 years ago   Reply
  Im sorry (smol grape)

I got the most cutest robodogs EVER

aww πŸ₯° what a wholsome robo dog u have!

2 years ago   Reply