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13 years old lives in Chicago Illinois school charter school highschool all my information
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Stickboi the movie part 1
Ok I can see your new this is cool
That’s why I don’t wanna stay-
See ya man
I Might leave the app
I mean drawer
But u a good reader
What I looked like at one point
Play spinel,killer spinel 💕
Steven universe the movie was the best
What u all have been hating will end tomorrow but in the mean time sit down relax and go watch sticknodes
Plz put a comment down
Dragon ball-Z
Done with my first day of high school :D
I’m almost to highschool
I'm starting a YouTube channel!
I have FlipaClip I suck at both
¡GuyMakesComics! New Account ¡Cartoon World! (:
U should do sticknodes your animations go even better Man U da MAN
OMG OMG woooooo
To see if u like meh animations or no I ment
I'm back
U da best animator I suck
Penis fish
Are u by sexual or gay
The for sure almost end I’m done until the movie and whatever next the movie will be ended with a good ending I’m leaking dis srry
BYE I need comments tho
I need comments to know if u like it or no
AW U GOTTA BE KIDDING MY ANIMATIONS SUCK also gravity falls ended with Stan losing his memory not to be a spoiler