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additionally your statement "texas kicks ass and the north sucks now give me my 40 oz" pretty much sums up yours and many people living in the southern US's racial bias towards minorities
however, i am not saying all southerners are racists.
theres a clear line between a stereotype, pedophillia and racism
additionally, fuck the south has never been mentioned, and most of the saying "fuck other people" has been done by the south, the statement is not being racist towards the south
to prove the point, its not even a stereotype its in the laws
recently a law was signed in georgia making it harder to vote in the state particularly targetting african americans
GMC Final Message Enjoy! (Now outdated)
your leaving? nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Death angelo -Member of the...
the american south is inherrently racist
Death angelo -Member of the...
the republican texas representative; "i have the right to say chungflu"
Sine I'm not able to upload all the time heres a reminder that I love you all nh/hetero
keep making amazing art :D
This man hates asians. (read desc)
Yeah there is way to much asian hate in the community
and i agree asian hate is becoming a major issue these days and the media continues to give a false impression of asians, in particular the chinese