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Blurb Blurb blurb blurbs blurb b b blurb blurb blurb blurb blurb (so hi im OctoDad and uhm Shout Out To Willow And GuyMakesComics And MinerMaster) blurb! (BYE!) Ocs sans ink sans fresh snas octo dad azzy aka asriel and I'm azzy rn I am now kurry oki

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Slime pop

I hear da pop

4 years ago   Reply

Another eyeeee....

Dtihtdtdtdrtsetsydsrycrhxhtdfhrmrusrystrsryydcutcyfcryxyfxdhrhyrdrurydrutdtur5r6ftd5ftftyftftd how the heck bababababab be bad bad bad da bo bad bad bad da bo bee bad da badat bo I'm a scat manyuhhyyuh

4 years ago   Reply

For MinerMaster


4 years ago   Reply

Clothing dare #2

Oh and mine is for ur mane oc

4 years ago   Reply

Undertake part 2


4 years ago   Reply

My gay bff p.s not my gay b.f.f in rob

Oh so jm not the only 8 year old that knows about dis

4 years ago   Reply

my great Grandmother Died today I won’t be online for a couple days.....

Oh.... I'm so sorry.....I bet you are sad...I know you are....hope she rests in peace

4 years ago   Reply


I made u something UwU

4 years ago   Reply