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I’m dying inside.
I kinda deleted my life story ;D
Call me Shi if ye want
Flouxz has taken over this account-

“Why does this have my relationship status?..Weirdo..” - Flouxz
Not crushing nor taken=😑

Andreas:🖤 song that sounds like his voice: SOS by: Avicii
Android 19:🖤 Song that sounds like his voice:Told ya By:Mystery skulls
Flouxz:❤️song that sounds like his voice:I’m so tired... By: Lauv
Pakii-Chan:😑 Song that sounds like her voice:Ocean Eyes by:Billie Eilish


9 Following     13 Follower


Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “I hate myself” “so do you want me to get her or are you going to this time Foxey?”

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “aight’” <:3

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “sorry geez!-“ “I dare you to push color in the pool((DoNt drown her plZ :-:))

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “Heh!-“ “okay truth or dare Foxey?”

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas:”Eh?! Love is a strong word!-“ he hugs Foxey and color

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “ehh..dare.” He shakes off the water

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “hmph..” he sits at the edge of the pool

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “EHH!- DoNt splash mEe!-“

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas:he sighs well I’m not either!-

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: “Wanna find Foxey and play t or d..?”

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Do you guys just want to play t or d and forget let drama? uwu //

4 years ago   Reply

Sleepover at Andrea’s Castle!-

Andreas: he looked at Foxey “did I uh... you know... with color..?!” “I don’t remember anything!-“

4 years ago   Reply