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Angel:*fallen asleep next to a river*
abyss: sure /w\
Abyss: /m\ -hugz back-
Abyss: good /w\ how about you?
Abyss: hello princess /w\
Abyss:-he’s to check up on angel and sees the slash marks- !?!? -runs out of the bedroom and grabs bandages and warps the bandages around her head-
Abyss:-lays her down in the bed and tucks her in- -goes downstairs and sits on the couch watching tv-
Abyss:-finds angel and picks her up and goes back to the house-
Angel:*drawing a angel*
Abyss: ahh yes! I am here! -acting-
Abyss: -goes outside and looks up at Angel-
Abyss: and I’ll be the knight and shining armor~ ^w^
((Yes an rp in a rp))Abyss: sure! ^^
Abyss: hmmm idk /w\”””
Abyss: heh yeah ^^ -hugs angel-
Abyss: ehh mostly being lazy and lonely /w\” how about you? Princess
Abyss:-sits up- well hello there princess~
Abyss:-looks at Angel- /w\
Abyss:-laying on the couch-
-gets a huge idea-
I always do this is myself I’ll make go species and a few minutes later I’m changing it up TwT
For: Storm (Took me a while to draw your oc :^)
Ty! Also sorry I go crazy when it come to designing things TwT””
Hhhhh- -eats fishes-