I left- whoops

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  I left- whoops

Wedding Rp starts here! ((Plz read description!))

((Yeah and her mom taking her phone away for a bit so the wedding is kinda on hold rn))

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Wedding Rp starts here! ((Plz read description!))

The wedding cake is over there -points to it-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Wedding Rp starts here! ((Plz read description!))

Yeah I’m a bit nervous and also very happy ^^

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Wedding Rp starts here! ((Plz read description!))

-still waiting for peeps to show up- ^^

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Wedding Rp starts here! ((Plz read description!))

-standing at the altar and waiting- hello!

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Wedding Rp starts here! ((Plz read description!))

((Yeah the flower girl isn’t taken))

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Same- TwT

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Angel: hey abyss...

Abyss:-gives her the clothes- no problem princess~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Angel: hey abyss...

Abyss:-gets done with the hoodie and sew’s some black shorts for her-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Angel: hey abyss...

Abyss: ok! -starts sewing and fluffy white hoodie with light pink stripes- ^^

4 years ago   Reply