I left- whoops

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  I left- whoops

Angel:*reading a book*

Abyss: -pass out asleep on the couch-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: -pets her wings- UwU

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: UwÙ -picks her up-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: -turn back to normal- ^^ -hugz-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: -turns into huge demon form- N̴̟̗̬̞͔̈́̅́̑͊͌̉̀O̶̟̫̊̈́̈́̃̇̅̊͐ ̸̨͉̤̤̰͖̞̝͚̐̉͑͊͛̄͛̈́̽̕ͅY̴̨̢̤͙͍͈̦̭̺̞̿̃̋́̐̈́͂̑Ó̶͔̤̅̒͝U̷̮͓̟̮̹͛̂̀̅͌̇͌̒̕

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: no you ((HoW baDahaha can I bE? I’m listening to how bad can I be from the Lorax ^^”))

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: no you~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: yes you are!!! X3

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: -starts ticking her- yes you are!~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: yes you are~~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: your so cute angel~ UwÙ

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: /w\ ❤️

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: -hugs her- so cute UwÙ

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: -smiles happily at her- ^^

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops


Abyss: -pets her wing- ^^

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Guess who swallowed there tooth.... AGAIN

Yeah it’s not a good habit cuz when all my adult teeth are in i can’t do it anymore cuz it isn’t gonna grow back /w\””

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Guess who swallowed there tooth.... AGAIN

Ah I have a habit of swallowing my teeth- I’ll make a tooth lose on purpose and eat a bunch of food to make it even more lose and it kinda just pops out- /w\””

4 years ago   Reply