I left- whoops

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  I left- whoops

Pokémon rp

Zane: -Waiting for his trainer-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Pokémon rp

Zane:-stands up and stretches- ^^

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Pokémon rp

((Ok))Zane: -sitting down by Po Town((team skulls base)) //Silvester: -running around-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

I’m really confused

Ok cuz my friend texted me and was talking about how she wanted her room to look like yin and yang and she kept saying ying and yang-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Meet ??? The guardian of fire🔥

@Jayfoox that’s my snakes name! :D

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

Abyss: -pulls HHHH out of her and starts licking her HHHHH again- mmm~~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

Abyss: -HHH inside her- ahhh~! =\\\=

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

Abyss: m~~ ((sorry I was gone I was helping my family with stuff))

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

Abyss: -pets her wings and starts to slow down a bit-

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

Abyss: -starts heavily panting- mm~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

Abyss: -wraps tail around her body- ~~~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

Abyss: -continues to thrust even faster- mm~~ (( ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o) ))

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

So how are you all?

Ehh I’m ok I guess- my stomach hurts cuz I’m dumb and I ate ice cream- TwT it was worth it tho

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

CD 1

((Ima good to sleep but we can continue this when I wake up-))Abyss:-thrusts faster- hhh~~~

4 years ago   Reply