I left- whoops

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  I left- whoops

Panicking piper

Asher: oh ok then ^^

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Panicking piper

Asher: no no it’s fine! but what was happening earlier?

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Panicking piper

Asher: oh really?

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Panicking piper

Asher: hello /w\

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Panicking piper

Asher: uhh? /w\

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Lauren:^^))angel: :3

Abyss: yes you are~~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Lauren:^^))angel: :3

Abyss: your lying~

4 years ago   Reply
  I left- whoops

Q2: Can we be friends?

Asher: so whatcha wanna do? ^^

4 years ago   Reply