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Hi bros I’m Plague-Doctor, I’m 16 and just here to vibe for a bit so come and chill with me if you want. I’ve been here for a while and I can say that the community here is both terrifying and wonderful.

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FrozenFoxy2008 #makeanimpac...

The main character, sorry I probably should have used Midoriya instead

3 years ago   Reply

Pistacho_animations ✨

Yeah it’s supposed to be the dog from the animation

3 years ago   Reply

Kitty cat

I’ve seen this exact animation on Pinterest with a different background and a watermark that said ‘Wierenga’ from 2013

3 years ago   Reply

cut (gore warning)

A few years ago I was cutting pvc pipe and I dropped the big ole clippers right on my leg. Also in that same week and same class I slit my thumb open with a razor while trying to make a prop for a play. Not my best week

3 years ago   Reply

Zombie deer

Can I redraw this?

3 years ago   Reply

I’m bk guys-

Welcome back!! Everyone needs a break sometimes

3 years ago   Reply

blobs have interesting lives

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! (sorry I’m late) Quick question- can I make a animation based off of the one where you are decorations? If not that’s totally understandable. Happy birthday!!

3 years ago   Reply

Why I’ll be off

I’ll make sure you guys are updated on his/her condition if it gets better or worse

3 years ago   Reply

I’m speechless!

Thank you 😊

3 years ago   Reply

Bandit (S1E2)

I made an animation based off of your lonely fish animation if you want to check it out

3 years ago   Reply

Hey guys

Also if you couldn’t tell I’m practicing drawing humans and it sucks

3 years ago   Reply

Time -Flash Warning ⚠️-

I’ll put out my main anime -cat fight- in about 5 or 6 hours because that time seems to be the best for most viewers

3 years ago   Reply


By the way I’m working on my next anime for tomorrow.

3 years ago   Reply

The Shadows -⚠️Flash Warning ⚠️-

Also please tell me any suggestions for my next anime

4 years ago   Reply

Dragons meeting

Thanks for the ideas- I’m picking Abraxas for the red one and Panara for the purple one. The white dragons name is Mocha

4 years ago   Reply