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Ahh ohh BRIDGES. I a Door u.
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Pink power part 1
Cool I like it
Cookie is back..
I've been back .-. Nobody cares cause I'm a crap pile
I'm sorry
To dogsru:
I'm not 9 I swear I'm 8 .-.
A bully ep1
I got no CRAPPIN idea about this I'll leave but I'll be back when my hand is healed I'm using a stylus.
No not 9 so antway why would yiu Care?
Bye cookie i will miss u :(
Hey are u on my hand is healing but I have to write with my left ( I cut my hand)
You mean the crap u say I HAVE but I really don't have crap YOU do. I got told to kill myself and guess what? I tried to do it but someone stopped me.
Yea yea yea leave with ur crap
I heard it OK IM A JERK IM A JERK OK I GOT IT. I'm tired of this crap everyday! I'm trying to keep secrets ok?!!??!! But u ppl just pull them out if me!!!
I'm tired of this crap
To Emily and dogsru13
Ya ya ya I'm a jerk so what? I don't care anymore of this crap
I've had it. I've changed that's good enough.
Ya I don't care cause I'm not the only one here.
No I'm a stupid jerk like they said u know what I don't care anymore
Look what I go through All the same same same time. Look what I've done I ruined it.. I knew I was a monster
I'm NOT sorry cause ur the one being a jerk to me
Why anyone keep leaving AM for DC?!
Guys SHUT UP geez drawcast is fine better than this empty dump ur in -.-
Me and my sister ^^
Thank u nelly