Bunny 3<

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Heya, the name's Bunny! (My main oc's name.) If you want to chat or rp sometime then just tell me because I'll totally be up for it! I'm more active on DrawCast, my account is: Bunny and Hella so if you want, chat with me on there. I'm female, and if there's anything else you want to know feel free to ask!^^

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  Bunny 3<

Rp is starting

Bunny: -She finally makes it to Deepdeep's house. She takes a moment to catch her breath because she had ran all the way- "Whew.... I'm... I'm here!"

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Rp is starting

Bunny: -she quickly rushes upstairs to her room to pack her bag with clothes and other things she'd need for the sleepover. She pats her dog and says goodbye as she rushes back down the stairs, almost tripping by mistake, and rushes outside to Deepdeep's

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Rp is starting

Bunny:"Alright, a sleepover!" -She laughs as she takes a few pieces of confetti out of her hair- "I'll totally be there! I'll go pack up my stuff and meet you and the others at your house!"

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Rp is starting

Bunny:-She jumps up off her couch- "Oh, someone's here!" -she quickly rushes to her door and opens it- "Hey Deepdeep, what's up?"

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<



7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Rp is starting

Bunny: -She sits on her couch at her house bored, waiting for something to happen-

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

For the Rp

This is so cute! OwO

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Who wants to Rp

Done posting mine

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Trying to get used to drawing on here again ^^

@Deepdeep and @Browndog7829 Thank you both!

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Who wants to Rp

No prob! Who's gonna start?

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Whoa, Anime Maker has really changed since I've been on!

@ꌗ꓄ꋪꍏꈤꁅꍟ ᖘꀤ꒒ꂦ꓄ Aww, thank you a bunch!

7 years ago   Reply
  Bunny 3<

Whoa, Anime Maker has really changed since I've been on!

@Deepdeep Thank you! And depends, what kind of Rp is it?

7 years ago   Reply