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Hope you like the bloods
Here's me: Age: 9 Gender: male Minecraft Name: FatalCraft
We'll appreciate if you like it!
1 Following 6 Follower
Mina stay away he's mine not urs bitch
We're not on your side...
Babe I'm gonna cum
MinerisMine stfu
How did this crap got in my recommandation
I suck at drawing
It's complicated than what you said. It's giving me andity when you uploaded.
Lift Off
Smiling emoji
@LianTheUWUdugy! R/woosh
School time
I have no school.
What letter am i
This buitrfull mean chicken
I dont understand :\
I ain’t afraid of y-
Jesus christ math
Why can cats show there emotions and dogs can’t
I like the last one on the dog emotion.
Gravity falls
This app isnt an art. Maybe try making animations?
Have a bowl mr. Squidward
My firet animation. Dont ask for followings. Ill do it later