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My name is Isabella. I like baked fresh out of the oven, home made chocolate chip cookies. I am a girl. I'm twelve. (2019) I'm in seventh grade. (2019) And I love you all.!!!
4 跟随 10 追随者
I will tell you tomorrow so other people can guess
🍊 Ç@§ė¥ 0øp§! 🍊's challenge
Why did you chane your name to a DOT? I'm talking to you failed.exe by the way
Ok I love SpookyRin but she doesn't like me
I think someone loves me
My class crush is Leo bartolee but I don't know if he likes me
But I will say my class crush
But who do u think loves you also now I'm too embaressed to say my crush
Omg umm let's make a deal if you tell us who you think it is then I will tell you my crush
R-Roleplay anyone?
Preza who is it
It's ok tell us we're your friends
Who is the person
Izzybell's challenge
Anyone have tik tok
How you all make me feel
Ugh nvm
Plz answer
I need to talk to you about something...
Idiot u still there
Idiot what should I call u bc I feel bad calling you idiot. Also who is it!!,!!!!