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Oh, why hello there, it is I, le worthless artist! Nah probably not, it's how I think about myself, I am 10 (I am young-) and art is just always a way to sooth myself, I know this isn't the best artistic app in history, but I have to give it a go, y'Know? It was the only good-looking art app that was online, I was searching for art apps that had an online feature after Sketch shut down, I didn't really have the feeling to search a bunch for art apps after my favorite app shut down it's online feature, so yeah that was a real bruise to me.

About le creator:
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian (Yeah I kinda figured that out a little too soon-)
Mental state (most of le time): Depressed af
Age: 10

Me: *Yells at 1 year old sister for crying*
My parents: >:0 Stop being so rude!
Also them: You have such a kind heart!

Lol yeah I don't think so


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