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39 フォロー中 77 フォロワー
Woods rp (feat.Walter, Righty, and Electric)
Me:I’m gonna hide in the trees and wait *walks up a tree like it’s the floor and waits on top of it*
((Fight me (ง •_•)ง
Who wants to go on an adventure with Walter?
Also horror when we talk on discord I’ll tell you who I’m simping over.
May I join?
Quick movement
Not as fast as Mach 20 like Koro-Sensei
I’m kinda wimping over someone
You need to shut up or I’ll chuck you off a building while saying hyuck cuz goofy is our lord and savior
Attack on titan animation (warning lots of blood)
Levi squad we have 3 15 meters aim for the nape.
We must summon lord Goofy to help us get over 2020
Roy and Reese’s kid
Horror whats your discord I want to speak to you
Uh read desc
Uhhhh German Shepard
Winners of the contest
For the heart winner her name is actually °•♡•°
Among Us rp
Alright ima head out *Nightmare Bonnie left the game*
*imposters win*
(We need one more kill¥
(It lied)
Me:Damien get the final kill
(They need one More kill)
(Wait no they didn’t)