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Jesus is coming soon and it’s not to late for you to give up your life to Jesus
5 Following 32 Follower
The holy bible
AMEN (christianyo520
Hell is not a JOKE
I don’t care about likes I care about if you go to hell or not
This is not just a cool picture it’s a warning to you guys who haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior you
Are the people left to live through the end Of the world but in that time there’s still a chance that you will go to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ
It’s not to late but there’s not much time until all who Belive in the word of god ( the Bible) are taken to heaven and those who are left
Say this with Heavenly Father I surrender and I will serve you in your kingdom amen and amen
Uhhh some doodle about Frost Blue?
Pick up your bible right now and start reading
if I was the president
Stop hating the president he’s like all of us at one point lost in the lies of the devil give up your life to jesus
Take your bible and read it kumar and than share the gospel
How to pose like a Model
Take your bible and read kumar
A true model would be jesus
If you want to do good than give your live to Jesus
Over 7000 followers memorial
Give your life to Jesus get your bible right now I won’t give up until the day I adié and then continue to try and help I won’t give up
What do you mean by she that she will go to hell this animations are amazing elly
muscular miners tragic backstory (read desc)
Cool miner master
My true form
Please ssstttoooppp
make the likes and comments on this anime equal
Fart Time
Umm 🤔 what?????????
Part in overlord the second episode
because why not