The Forgotten Husky||GARNET ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)|| Husky||Bork Bork||Join the Dog Side today bork||POPTARTS||BORK||I don't need friends, they disappoint me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)|| Bork||Living Borktart||50 % Off||Bork||Notice me senpai!!! ;~;

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Hi, I am Forgotten. Welcome to the story of my lifu.

Parents: I have Spensh, she may become my sister, Melissa, mama, and Caramel Cake

Sisters: Soon to be Spensh, KittyToons, and Grey

Brother: Forget

Crush: Prickly Pear

Second Crush: P-possibly

Senpai: Prickly Pear!

Children: Maia, Maxx, Cool, Berry, Niagara, Star

Main OC: Digger, Dart, Maxx, Forget, Bloody, Forgotten


I am a husky! Woo woo! I am female!!I am Taken ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) My BFFs for lifu are Grey and AmazingComet! Join the dog side! I don't like sexual stuff. I am the creation of Sadao… BorkTart!!! ((Copyrighted)) ::Sadao's face appears on screen:: Wait a minute, WHO ARE YOU??????Jk! You are a PIRATE!!! ::static::
Sorry 'bout that! Memes took over. My age is 9. I hate two things : Bullies and Jack. Bullies are big haters that aren't a #TOASTERHEAD. Jack broke my heart and made me furever alone. I am NYAN DOG!!! ::Kazoo kid appears for a mila-second. I can't spell somethings. I hate auto correct.

You could go to 5 or 6 stores, or just one! ::front snap kick::
I don't need friends, they disappoint me! ::axe kick::
Savage List:
Odd Squad
Lainey((My Dog))
Pink Sheep
Me and Grey
I am married to Prickly Pear, nobody steal her from me
::falls over::
Hi, I'm Forget
Age: Who cares
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Crush: GS Pandy
Likes: Crush, Life, Jackets, Family
Dislikes: Haters, Bullies, Animals
Personality: Nice, Funny, Protective
Well, here is some me info

Name: Forgotten((In game))
Age: 9((Nearly 10))
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: Prickly Pear
Likes: Flowers, Life, Love, Happy, Hearts, Animals, Cuteness, Family
Dislikes: Haters, Bullies, Death, Darkness, Gore, S e x
Personality: Bubbly, Nice, Exciting, Adventurous, Brave, Strong
::falls over again::
I am stupid
Bye, everyone! Have a noice day!

69 Following     64 Follower

  The Forgotten Husky||GARNET...

Rp start!!!!

Axe: ::leaves room and sighs:: Where do I go now? //Me: ::is basically swimming in stuffed animals to get to door XD::

6 years ago   Reply
  The Forgotten Husky||GARNET...

Rp start!!!!

Me: ::opens suitcase and room is nearly covered with stuffed animals:: I'm unpacked! //Axe: ::slowly walks to a empty room:: This one…

6 years ago   Reply
  The Forgotten Husky||GARNET...

Rp start!!!!

Me: ::runs to a random room:: This one! //Axe: ::looks around confused:: How did I get here…?

6 years ago   Reply
  The Forgotten Husky||GARNET...

Rp start!!!!

Me: Hya, guys! ::has a suitcase that is overflowing with stuffed animals:: //Axe: ::walks in with nothing:: Hey…

6 years ago   Reply
  The Forgotten Husky||GARNET...

Camping RP!

Me, S'mores, and Maxx: Hi, everyone

6 years ago   Reply
  The Forgotten Husky||GARNET...

Camping RP!

I'll be AFK for 6 hours 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。

6 years ago   Reply
  The Forgotten Husky||GARNET...

I ship!!

Puma: ::puts Bandages back on him::

6 years ago   Reply