farts up ur mom
names maple, or whateva
discord is big guy#5046
yeah i have some OCS
main one is spencer though hes got alotta simps or sumn 😧😧😧
addressing what happened between me and peace and war
im outta this bitch. dont wanna keep flirting with u underaged dweebs or im gonna catch a case. hope u learn how to mature soon cause ur gonna want that sometime in the near future <3 hope u have fun incesting and having underaged sex too with others cause u apparently know ur identity cause neglection came to u early as a child and the only way ur parents could get u out of their way without throwing u out was introducing the internet to u as a young child :) love ur camel toes btw
addressing what happened between me and peace and war
maybe u should let ur parents look at ur phone
not what i meant either
wait till ur in high school cause then ur mind and body is at its peak
addressing what happened between me and peace and war
how did u know what it meant then? yeah u probably wouldve felt it but man
never said that. maybe if u found something else to make u happy or maybe if u didnt have access to the internet at such a young age
show me the studies. theres no fucking way an underdeveloped brain and body can start deciding that shit. they dont even know anything yet
addressing what happened between me and peace and war
yeah ur too young to be deciding this stuff.
u can question but honestly let ur body and brain mature more before u start deciding
addressing what happened between me and peace and war
ur not too young to go against all this stuff but man seriously.
addressing what happened between me and peace and war
ur too young to be deciding ur pronouns and sexualities anyway in my opinion. u havent even graduated past middle school.
addressing what happened between me and peace and war
that doesnt even say anything about they were in the wrong? thats me saying ur too young to be doing this shit