Vexx [Black Hawk Society]

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I’m the easiest to find. BHS is running high. Black Hawk Society, the corporation that runs through every game you can name. You will not find how to join. If you do, its almost impossible to be accepted. We host meetings on millions of game at once. You wont find the meetings, only the hawks can tell you where they are. But you are just a jaybird within this bigger corporation. We are below the Illuminati’s green finger. We are ultra powerful. We are everywhere, we can be found on this app. I am the easiest one to find because I comment on many things. The leader is the hardest to find, so hard that you WONT find him, actually, thats a lie. You don’t know who the leader is. I could be it for one. The hawks will fly.

Message approved by the Black Hawk Society.


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