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HENWO \(>w<)/
96 Following 54 Follower
Also u draw well
God help all of us three idiots _(QuQ)-
Welp,I do that all the time,but I remember about God and his orders,and it says on the sixth one:do not kill other people
I'm Back ._.
Where didgaget the colors
Guys we have a underrated artist!!!
Can u help me
Sans animation test
Ah,I see you are a man of culture as well
Infinite Minecraft world revolving around a sun problem SOLVED
I'm like the fish my dad killed two days ago
Do I look like some 80's cartoon character?
Put pac man eyes and you are ready to hang out with Mickey Mouse.
What would you do if you see me in this situation?
I would say that he's not nice,if he doesn't stop,or I call the popo or I take matters with my own hands,well fins.
I'm lonely
Dude he gun leaf me cuz of skul
I need to get out of here....
I shall follow u
challenge: draw yourself in war
*still fainted*
sometimes being impaled can be difficult
Sorry I shot my swordfish on u,but hey, breakfast and companies \(>\o)
Which way is it spinning?
Its counter clockwise _(-.-)-
Minermaster and some other people are being rude and I'm done I can't take it anymore I'm leaving FOR GOOD minermaster I hope your proud of yourself because no one else is
Don't listen to them ,if you like being a wolf with big bobs,U DU IT! cuz rilli we need u to calm down and be u \(^w^)/
For minermasters contest