this is a dead acc

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  this is a dead acc

Let's chat again

okie I'm back but I needa go to sleep. See ya guys in the morning! Also, TheStikBotKid I don't like strawberrys, but thank you I'll try *eats* holy guac-
;o; that was so good

4 years ago   Reply
  this is a dead acc

Let's chat again

Stik (f autocorrect)

4 years ago   Reply
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also hi The Still Bot Kid

4 years ago   Reply
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Let's chat again

And did you forget me? I keep changing my name---.... I have an addiction

4 years ago   Reply
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Let's chat again

We haven't talked in a while.

4 years ago   Reply
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For D-Lo©️kk

Thanks! Also I realized,that you don't post animes? Why also, are you good at drawing?

4 years ago   Reply
  this is a dead acc

Hello, I am 💎Sapphire💎 ive taken PineTree’s phone XD

lmao but wh- nevermind,I'll mind my own beeswax

4 years ago   Reply