The stupid human

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Hello! I'm new and I want to tell you something about me!

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Characters age: 16

Actual age: 12

Hobby: be on this game duh

Chrush: I have 1 but I'm not gonna tell you

13 Following     21 Follower

  The stupid human


Ya I just forgot the stars

4 years ago   Reply
  The stupid human

I like America

Never mind it is China u just forgot the stars

4 years ago   Reply
  The stupid human

I like America

Oop my bad I thought it was China

4 years ago   Reply
  The stupid human


I love it

4 years ago   Reply
  The stupid human

For China wolf

This is so cooooool 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

4 years ago   Reply
  The stupid human


*Coronavirus* and Roxy animates you could draw me

4 years ago   Reply
  The stupid human


I love China too but cot

4 years ago   Reply
  The stupid human

Hi im new!

Again what?

4 years ago   Reply