Josh likes Bugattis

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Hello I am white_reaper_19, I am currently 33 years old and live southeast of morioh. I am not married. I do not smoke but I drink on special occasions. I go to bed at exactly 11:00 PM and awake as 7:00 AM as refreshed as a newborn. And according to my doctor I am in great health. I have a fetish for airsoft guns. And work at a local gas station. All luck does is create the opportunity, but it takes skill to take it
- Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
All men can see the tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
Victory comes from finding opportunities in problems
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
The greatest victory is that which requires no battle
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
In the midst of chaos, there is also an opportunity
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
What is essential in war is victory, not prolonged operations.
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
Who wishes to fight must first count the cost
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
Ponder and deliberate before you make a move
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
All war is deception
-Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Sun Tzu, The Art Of War
And most importantly, follow White_Reaper_19 on anime maker, or you will never win the war
Sun Tzu, The Art Of War

68 Following     59 Follower

  Josh likes Bugattis


He said, “SHUT THE HELL UP YOU STUPID B%#CH!” Jotaro screamed at holly in a fit of moody rage

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis

Ur mom.

At least I have one 😏

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Josh likes Bugattis

fanart for Internaut

That kinda looks like kakyoion from jojos

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis


You look kinda like uh, Doppio from JoJo’s bizarre adventure with the sweater and hair

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Josh likes Bugattis


Bro are you Alan Becker or no?

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis

Sexy porn

Did this C%#T just take your account!? Oh my god, this son of a bitch

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis


Congrats for you, I am so happy for you! Good Luck!

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis


You know I am sure the minors are just as happy as everyone else after you RAPED them!

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis

🕶️ Human Akage 🔪

Okay so your OC gets more powerful the more dumber he gets huh? Damn, you must be really powerful than jackass

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis

Kirby Guy

No it’s pink guy

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis

Fanart for Abdel studio™️(Bendy Animator) ဗ

Oh trust me man, they are not more cool than you, he is a sick man, trust me, even the biggest retard is better and more cool than that piece of phuck

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis


Cuz it’s 12:00 Fuckifn AM

1 years ago   Reply
  Josh likes Bugattis


I just wanna say this don't look like it was done in an hour maybe like 23 mins or something man don't use time if you wanna get people to follow you

1 years ago   Reply