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Hey guys! I'm Peekabruh. I like Butter. Butter is delicious it goes well with cookies.
Oh crap. Did I break you!? Why do I keep on breaking humans. I'm backing out
Because I'm nosey. I like Breaking people's privacy because then they get mad at me and I die out laughing.
Btw. Prepare to be embarrassed. I know the fact that you have a crush on meh on this app because I looked at the stuff you commented on.It was One of Oku's things and Uhh... I sorta clicked on it. I heard what you said.
I may not be perfect. But it's fine. No one is. But.... Everyone is unique. And that's how were important in This world
You know what. I think I'm going to leave this app and kill myself.
Say your last words. I wouldn't care. I never care. Like some say. I'm a jerk....
The rant on Unoriginality. Part 1
Because This is a problem with a ton of people. And I want to fix it. Unoriginality is bad. I'm not copied but others are and I'm trying to help.
That's the thing. I've made it mad before. It goes fricking rabid. I'm not doing that.
Today's the day that triggers me. Easter.
Oh my god. I can't take this no more. I'm dying out laughing! XD I can't deal with this!
Today's the day that triggers me. Easter.
I could make many puns but eh. It's too EGGhausting!
I need some other hackers! Help me and we'll destroy all of it!
No! You will trick me!
I need some other hackers! Help me and we'll destroy all of it!
.... No.
I need some other hackers! Help me and we'll destroy all of it!
...?! Seriously?! You want to destroy Animemaker?! What why!?