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she/her This account needs to be in an actual museum😭
132 Following 79 Follower
1,500 followers special
Aaa I love it! U did so good bats ❤️
I worked so hard on this😁
Oh ok!
I have 1,840 robux I'm so rich
I have 10-
No Title
We here for u
🌚🔪 u poor thing
I’m gonna take a break
Bye T^T ✌️
Pick a spot
Done :3
Any Clothing Dares?
A romper (if u don’t know what that is google it lol)
Pick a spot conpleted
Also noice!
I’m not trash I’m the whole trash can
the sleepover roleplay
Nah I don’t thing so
I’m 9 lol
i Am RiGhT hErE
Ur a bit too late
Sorry everybody is dead
Spring boi with out mask
I fOrGoT hOw UgLy He LoOkEd
For ThatOneAnimators challenge
I look the same-
What I’m doing for my 1,500 followers special is..........