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Pfp by nechos ><
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Pick a spot (READ DESC)
Terrence everytime he sees something like this
I made something new labeled I’m sorry Xd
𝖎𝖒 𝖘-
Putting Terrence a shirt pt 2
??(the guy in the anime)???: I would~!
NAo I deLEtEd It W@s sO bAD
Putting Terrence a shirt pt 1
Hey, Terrence yOu lOoK lIkE A PrETty PrInCESS
It’s so * cringey lolz
I made somethin for Terrence
Losing my mind meme🙃
No, but I watched yours which is way better but I’m glad you like mine
Rate my drawings!
Did it! I labeled it for call me eggs challenge uwuw
Mouth practice
I thought it said hello. Good practice though
Lol I forgot, say what pose and expression
Hard one
Children’s playing this dude
Oh worm
This is the f(king wormy thing lmao
Just wanted to say your a great animator and should keep going.
Hmm. Okay..
Did you steal this?!
Rate meh
Yellow and blue!
Pick a spot! I will actually try my best and not make it look like s*it