☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Currently: Offline

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Does anyone read this?
I draw random stuff (and some edge) don't mind me
I'm a girl and Pan
My real name is Norah
Friends? Pink, Random, Zip, Caramel, Sharpo, Monster
Best friends? Sprinklesmoonstone, Kingston, Magic, Rin, Cherry
If you haz Japanese treats gimmie it °^°
If you wanna make fan art of ships with my OCs just ask! Just don't overdo it
The Leader of Night owl group!
Mochi of the week: ???
._/| |\_ teach me how to dougie
..// \\

33 Following     110 Follower

  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

Try and stop me.

She's right and if you die it will make my life worse

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

Try and stop me.

Jackie your being dramatic now get off that noose I would appreciate it

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

//Warning// Edgy

That is very greedy but ok... If it helps other people

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

//Warning// Edgy

...im just an accident tbh... I don't think my mom even loves me.. I'm an accident a messup... A screw up...

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

Aha ;-;

I probably pissed you off Hana and I Think some other people dislike me

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

Aha ;-;

Yes they probably do I done fucked up

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

Me: so it's no use?

Cecil: Yeah not hard to see that... Too why did you create me if I'm nothing now? // Me: I'm sorry :'V

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

Me: so it's no use?

Me: *whimpers* you make me sad :'( // Cecil: ...*slrazor spider like appendages retract* mmhmm..

6 years ago   Reply
  ☯Toka☯ and ♠Spades♠//Curren...

Cecil: Ugh...

Me: *crying* // Cecil: I'd rather comfort a friend then do a worthless battle

6 years ago   Reply