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Ship for Ewe

Yuniko: H-heh ^\\w\\^

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ryan

Caleb: Hey there..

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ewe

Yuniko: N-nuuu

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ryan

Thank chu :Caleb: Nu..

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ewe

Yuniko: Hhh- you didn’t see anything TwT

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ewe

Yuniko: H-Huh! *he covers his face* >\\<

4 years ago   Reply

Dare Mason

Erm..if you had a crush hug them??

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ewe

Yuniko: H-heh..*blushes a lil* thanks...^^

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ewe

Yuniko: Hm?..Really?...

4 years ago   Reply

Ship for Ewe

Yuniko:’s not that interesting..

4 years ago   Reply

Random drawing :V

Can I hugs TwT XD kill meh

4 years ago   Reply



4 years ago   Reply

Hey Lazari

Toby: *taps Lazaris head* Nu T^T

4 years ago   Reply

Hatred and yee skeleboi be like

Hehe! *hugs both of dem* Eep!!

4 years ago   Reply

Hatred and yee skeleboi be like

Heyyyy TwT fine your coming to! UwU *drags him to dream* Hi dream!!

4 years ago   Reply


XD oh gosh!

4 years ago   Reply

Hey Lazari

Toby: Be quiet sad TwT Eep!!- N-no!! I-I’m not!! >\\<

4 years ago   Reply

Hey Lazari

(Nuuu don’t cryyy! *hugs him* Eep!) Toby: Owwwww Daddddddd T^T and Yesh of course you can draw with meh TwT *he hides the picture he’s drawing ish a lil picture of Jeff -w-)*

4 years ago   Reply


Thank you Arisu..thank you so much..^^

4 years ago   Reply