Idiot Animations

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  Idiot Animations


Wee wee

1 years ago   Reply
  Idiot Animations


Hey quit liking things, you're still alive

1 years ago   Reply (3)
  Idiot Animations

I am short

I'm like 5"9 and a half, for now

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Idiot Animations

Good morning

Morning, im sick right now so my morning is great

1 years ago   Reply
  Idiot Animations


You sound like my teacher, except I don't get yelled at, usually

1 years ago   Reply
  Idiot Animations


I know, it's been so long that I forgot I was on here

1 years ago   Reply
  Idiot Animations

Does anyone like one piece

It's cool, I'm not very far in it

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Idiot Animations


Maybe, my page might've glitched out

1 years ago   Reply
  Idiot Animations


I liked but only once so I don't know

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Idiot Animations

Old persona 💗

Is that necklace for Jesus

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Idiot Animations

is it me or my asthma is trying to murder me

Is it me or can you also just deny your asthmas existence

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Idiot Animations


Thanks I'm kind of a pro

1 years ago   Reply
  Idiot Animations


Haha you're not relevant, nevermind that was the wrong post

1 years ago   Reply
  Idiot Animations

Ruby, the strawberry queen 🍓

Hey you bee man I swear I know you

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Idiot Animations


You're a joke

1 years ago   Reply